Fantastic Four TV Show

Within a ten year period, 20th Century Fox has been making Fantastic Four films, the first being released in 2005, and the newest being released in 2015, with the newest version being deemed the worst comic book movie of all time, and this is in a genre that includes Howard the Duck and Elektra. The disaster that was Fant4stic lead to the scrapping of it’s sequel and the unknowingness of the first superhero families future.

Stan Lee has recently hinted that the Fantastic Four are returning to Marvel Studios, a point which is strengthened by their revival in the comics, where they have been absent since Secret Wars which was a move to remove the comic marketing for Fantastic Four, a move that was ultimately pointless as the movie killed itself.

This has led to many not wanting the Fantastic Four to return, some even calling them cursed. But what if there was a way for Marvel to approach the Fantastic Four, without having them in their movies. I have Already discussed a way for the Fantastic Four to be introduced to the Marvel Movie Universe but what if there was another way they could be introduced as a full team.

The TV section of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has already been used to introduce and use characters that Marvel are unsure of and have sometimes had movies that are not popular before.

I am of course mainly talking about how Daredevil was used within the MCU, with the character reverting back to Marvel from Fox after Fox failed to reuse the character after 2003’s critical failure that was Daredevil. Instead of risking the character on a solo film, they instead branched out to Netflix and made Daredevil, which began it’s own series of TV shows, leading to Defenders.

This technique was used on a lesser scale with Ghost Rider, who after two unpopular films with Sony was introduced as a character on Agents of SHIELD.

This is why I believe that Marvel will make a Fantastic Four TV show, allowing a more personal look at the family, and allowing more stories to be told with the teams large aray of villains.

Question of the Post: Fantastic Four TV Show or Movie, what do you want more? Discussion in the comments. 

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