Which is the WORST Studio for Comic Movies?

Now this is just a quick post, as I really don’t want to get into the nitty gritty of how Rotten Tomatoes works and all that Jazz, but what I did wonder was if you took the average percentage for each studio, who comes out as the worst.

Now to save me some time, I only included movies that came out after 2008, or is part of a franchise that is still going. This left me with three studios, Fox, Marvel and Warner Brothers, with Warner Brothers basically being DC, so I’ll call it that.

So I did just that, I worked out the average for each studio, and with no surprise, Marvel won with an average of 82%, with their lowest being Thor: The Dark World with 66%. In second place was Fox, with 68%, with the lowest being Fant4stic with 9%.

The loser was DC, with only an average of 66%, even with me including the Dark Knight Trilogy to try and save it. It’s lowest entry was Suicide Squad with 25%, which is higher than Fox’s lowest, but the average just didn’t save it.

Question of the Post: Do you agree with Rotten Tomatoes, or do you think Fox is worse than DC? Discussion in the comments. 

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